I was a little disappointed this year when we hired someone to powerwash and stain our front deck. I asked the guy to be careful with my Annabelle. He said, "Oh no problem, plants usually bounce back." Well, he hammered my Annabelle and the poor thing is a little lobsided now - and that's been over a month ago. I have resigned myself to the fact that this year I'll have to make do. Come next spring, I might give it a fairly hard cut and start fresh and have all the branches at about the same level. Right now, I have large branches and stubby ones from where the powerwash had ripped them to shreds. Sigh ...
I've never tried vinca before and this year I thought I would try it. One of my favorite hobbies is antiquing and flea marketing. My sister-in-law and I go to the Shady Hollow Flea Market in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota a few times each summer. We bought some cream cans and I filled them with vinca and verbena and they are flourishing! The bright pink vinca really bring out the charm in those old cans. I'll have to plant those again next year .... plus, they are so easy maintenance. Sorry, but I'm sick of petunias!
Hi - thanks for leaving a note on my blog!! I like yours very much - it is fun to see what other zone 4 gardeners are doing. I love your photos - isn't Annabelle a great plant? I get a ton of comments on mine. I'll be back - hope you drop in on me again!
Hey Beth,
Checked out your blog. Super cool!! You took great photos. You haven't been over to see the progress of my garden this summer. It's coming along nicely, but still has some work. Perhaps you would like to drop by for vino and to discuss merits of various plants :o)
Sincerely - Your Favorite Sis-in-Law!!!
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