I've taken quite the hiatus from my blog - since October 19 after the tragic loss of our family dog, Henry. Much has happened in our home since then and the best news that I have to share is the addition of our new four-legged friend, Miss Sasha Sioux.
We got Sasha on the day before Thanksgiving and she's been healing our hearts ever since. I told my husband I don't think I could ever live without a mini Schnauzer. I love the breed so much and both of our Schnauzers have given us so much joy. I am especially encouraged by Sasha's growing interest in chasing rabbits in the winter landscape. Already, she's got a beat on them, chasing them away from the remaining stalks of my sedum. Atta girl! I have big plans for you sweetheart!
Have you ever experienced a winter in North Dakota? It's god-awful and I can say that being a lifelong resident of this state. This last stretch is some of the coldest weather I can remember. I tell out-of-staters if you can live through December 15-March 15 in North Dakota, then you've done well. The rest of the year is all good ... or at least tolerable!
Several seed catalogs have made their way to my mailbox. I'm ordering zinnias from the Harris Seed Company and am still on the hunt for the best California poppy and signet marigold seeds. My fellow gardener and co-worker Jane turned me on to Harris seeds as she and her husband bought their seeds from them last year and they had the most beautiful zinnias. Robust and absolutely spectacular in color. Aren't the lime ones gorgeous? I gotta try them.
Perusing through a retail supercenter garden section recently, I saw some of those pre-filled trays where you plant seeds and water. Anyone ever tried that? I went on to Connie's blog and she really does it the right way! This tray thing seemed pretty straightforward, effortless. Almost too easy? I'm a little hesitant as I'm not sure where I would put a tray of fledgling seeds when I have a playful puppy that already likes to jump on garbage cans. Direct sunlight isn't the problem - it's finding a peaceful resting place for them to grow. I'll have to think on that ....
Another encouraging sign for 2008: My husband said to me last week, "How did we say we were going to expand your garden this year?" What a guy .... you see, he finally IS coming around!
Stay warm everybody.